We need help to achieve our aim to restore the Swing Bridge

We need your voice and support now more than ever! As trustees of the Rotary River Pathways Trust, we are dedicated to the restoration and maintenance of the trails and bridges. As you know we face a significant hurdle: the critical swing bridge, a vital link connecting our community was swept away during the 2022 flood.

Since then, we have been collaborating with the Central Hawkes Bay District Council on a joint project to not only rebuild the bridge but also incorporate essential wastewater pipes for future infrastructure needs. This initiative serves as a testament to our commitment to both recreational enjoyment and sustainable development for our community's future.

Despite the bridge's undeniable importance, it is currently a low priority in the Council's three-year plan. The bridge is included in their 3 Year plan but not until 2027-28. We refuse to let this setback dampen our spirits or hinder progress on restoring the Tukituki Trail to its former glory.

Go to our Swing Bridge page for further information. Click here.

Trevor Plunkett