To all Tukituki Trail Enthusiasts and Community Members,

We need your voice and support now more than ever! As trustees of the Rotary River Pathways Trust, we are dedicated to the restoration and maintenance of the trails and bridges. As you know we face a significant hurdle: the critical swing bridge, a vital link connecting our community was swept away during the 2022 flood.

Since then, we have been collaborating with the Central Hawkes Bay District Council on a joint project to not only rebuild the bridge but also incorporate essential wastewater pipes for future infrastructure needs. This initiative serves as a testament to our commitment to both recreational enjoyment and sustainable development for our community's future.

Despite the bridge's undeniable importance, it is currently a low priority in the Council's three-year plan. The bridge is included in their 3 Year plan but not until 2027-28. We refuse to let this setback dampen our spirits or hinder progress on restoring the Tukituki Trail to its former glory.

Here's where you come in: we urge all trail users, residents, and supporters to join us in advocating for the bridge replacement project during the Council's current community consultation process. Your voice matters, and together, we can make a significant impact.



How You Can Help:

  1. Submit Your Feedback: Visit the Central Hawkes Bay District Council's website or attend public meetings to voice your support for the bridge replacement project. Let your representatives know why rebuilding the bridge is essential for our community's well-being and future prosperity.

  2. Spread the Word: Share this message with friends, family, and fellow trail enthusiasts. Encourage them to join our cause and amplify our collective voice for change.

  3. Engage on Social Media: Follow us on Facebook watch out for our updates, news, and ways to get involved.

  4. Stay Informed: Keep yourself informed about the latest developments and opportunities to support the Tukituki Trail. Sign up for our newsletter and stay connected with the trail community. Become a Friend of the Tukituki Trail.

Let's unite as a community to ensure the Tukituki Trail remains a vibrant, accessible, and sustainable resource for generations to come. Together, we can overcome challenges, rebuild bridges, and pave the way for a brighter future.

Key point to be made is:

The bridge is included in their 3 Year plan but not until 2027-28. For us this is not acceptable and we wish for it to be made high priority and needs to be reinstated immediately



Submissions to either can be made by 12 May 2024, links below

CHBDC Web site:    https://letstalkchb.co.nz/three-year-plan/3yp-submission

CHBDC Email:          threeyearplan@chbdc.govt.nz


Rotary River Pathways Trust

P.O.Box 187

Waipukurau 4242



If you are interested in becoming a Friend of the Tukituki Trail and contributing to the trail system restoration click on the button below